White Paper

European Arrest Warrant (EAW) AWARE was a practitioner led network which ran from 2019-2021, funded by the European Union's DG Justice Action Grants to draw out practical solutions to issues of prison conditions, mutual trust and cross-border cooperation in the use of the EAW.

White Paper on European Arrest Warrants and Detention Conditions summarises the conclusions we drew and contextualises the recommendations we make for next steps to enhance cross border judicial cooperation. The aim of this White Paper is for policy makers and practitioners to review all our findings in one place, and thus more effectively let this learning live beyond the life of the network.

If you'd like to connect with practitioners on this subject, the EAW AWARE LinkedIn Group remains open for your comment and exchange.

We are indebted to all the practitioners, supporters, the Advisory Council and partners who helped us achieve thie outcomes in this project - thank you!

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